Business Services

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Action Centred Planning (ACP)

What is it

Action Centred Planning (ACP) is a programme designed to bring a management team together to develop their plan for the business over the next three years.

It can be operated for:

• the business as a whole or

• any customer / client- facing service line(s) or

• any internal department (i.e. finance, IT).


What does it deliver

    The end result of an ACP programme is:

  • A robust plan bringing together cohesively:
    • agreed high level OBJECTIVES (the goals we want to score)
    • agreed STRATEGIES to deliver the Objectives
    • agreed ACTIONS assigned to individuals with time lines to implement the Strategies

  • Ownership of the plan by the team as they effectively write it.
  • A methodology to enable the team to revisit and update the plan.

ACP - how does it work

Stage 1

    Identify the issues facing the business.  These may well be strengths to be further exploited as well as weaknesses to be addressed.  This is achieved by a combination of:

    • confidential questionnaires completed by the participants and project sponsors; and
    • 1:1 interviews with the respondents based on the questionnaires. In respect of projects for internal teams further discussion with internal ‘customers’ may be needed.

Stage 2

Through three full day workshops the participants will:

Workshop 1

• collectively agree the issues to be addressed in the plan. This will require a very open discussion with no ‘sacred cows’;

• develop and agree the headline OBJECTIVES (“the goals we want to score”) to address the issues; and, time permitting,

• consider alternative strategic directions to be followed.

Workshop 2

• reaffirm the Objectives from Workshop 1; and

• develop strategies to deliver the Objectives.

Workshop 3 

• reaffirm the Objectives and Strategies to ensure that nothing has changed in the business landscape;

• develop the action plan and start / end dates for each action to implement the strategies; and

• recap on the whole process and what has been achieved.

Sponsor's Commitment

• Identification of the participating team (ideally no more than 8);

• Provision of meeting room facilities and refreshments on or off site for the three workshops, ensuring attendance by all participants.

Our involvment

• Design of questionnaires and interviews with participants;

• Leading and facilitation of the three workshops;

• Provision of all materials; and

• Production of the final plan in hard and soft copy formats, including individual action plans for each participant.